Summary: turn on logging for / after jumpstart

From: Mt Dew (
Date: Wed Oct 23 2002 - 21:18:20 EDT

Thanks for all responses, I think I'll use 1 and 2 for my job
I'll keep method 3 handy for other task.

Good, I learned something today.

1. Without reboot, you can run.

mount -o remount,logging /

  this would not change /etc/vfstab for you.

2. for jumpstart profile.

filesys rootdisk.s1 1000 swap
filesys rootdisk.s0 free / logging

3. Another cool way provided by Jay for jumpstart

[The following does it for *all* ufs file systems, not just /, because
 that's what I do on all my systems.]

You could do this in your jumpstart finish script (you reboot after this,

cp -p /a/etc/vfstab /a/etc/vfstab.install
sed -e 's?^\(/dev/dsk/.*/dev/rdsk.*ufs.*\)- *$?\1logging?' \
    < /a/etc/vfstab.install > /a/etc/vfstab

Or if you must do it later:
cp -p /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.install
sed -e 's?^\(/dev/dsk/.*/dev/rdsk.*ufs.*\)- *$?\1logging?' \
    < /etc/vfstab.install > /etc/vfstab
mount -o remount,logging /

The latter does the runtime remount only for /, though the vfstab
is changed for all ufs file systems. Extensions/modifications
left to the reader.

Both script fragments assume the as-installed vfstab, with a "mount
options" field of "-".

--- Mt Dew <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a command that allow me to turn on logging for just / permantly?
> I know I can change vfstab and reboot but the device could be c0t0d0s0 or
> c0t1d0s0.
> Anyone know how or already have a script just to do this?
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