Deleting stuck Metaset in SDS

From: Rick von Richter (
Date: Wed Oct 23 2002 - 15:35:41 EDT

System: UE3500, Sol 8(0202), SDS 4.2.1, 6 attached Photons

We have a metaset that we cannot delete. It is not used anymore so it is safe
to delete it but the system refuses to cooperate. The hostname is rhea.
# metaset
Set name = nfsshares, Set number = 1

Host Owner

Drive Dbase
  c12t7d0 No
  c12t8d0 No
  c12t9d0 No
  c12t10d0 No
  c13t23d0 No
  c13t24d0 No
  c13t25d0 No
  c13t26d0 No

(notice how none of the drives contain DBs)

# metaset -s nfsshares -t -f
metaset: rhea: nfsshares: not owner of metadevice database

Since the above command fails, I can't do anything with the metaset. Is there a
way to delete a metaset outside of SDS? I.e. delete some files/devices somewhere
to clear it out.


  Rick von Richter Production Support Manager       Voice: 858-831-2222    Maintenance Warehouse/Home Depot   Fax: 858-831-2221
  The box says: Win98, WinNT or BETTER. That's why I installed Linux.
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