vi limitations

Date: Fri Nov 09 2007 - 18:34:04 EST

We have a few files with lines well over 4096 bytes, mostly logs with
SQL statements and Java CLASSPATHS.

vi is not getting it done - we are getting the message Line too long and
vi is upfront about it's limitations in the man page

     The vi utility currently has the following limitations:

         1. Lines, including the trailing NEWLINE character,
              can contain no more than 4096 bytes.

              If a longer line is found, Line too long is
              displayed in the status line.

         2. The editor's temporary work file can be no larger han
              If a larger temporary file is needed, Tmp file too large
              displayed in the status line.

Can anyone offer advise on viewing and editing these files and lines

I went to sunfreeware and saw all the packages needed for vim - no

I've done some searching and see basically two options

fold -w 4095 file > to wrap the lines.

If we want to copy and paste the huge line - use notepad

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