point-in-time bitmap copy

From: JESSE CARROLL (jesse-carroll@usa.net)
Date: Fri Mar 30 2007 - 13:55:48 EST

Running StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Point-In-Time copy. All works as
advertised. However when using the deport, import and join functions the
documentation says to simply copy the bitmap to a second bitmap for use on
secondary system. The admin/ops guide says to use 'cp' but the bitmap is not
file system, it is a raw device, so 'cp' probably isn't the correct command.
The Point-In-Time Oracle guide says to use 'dd', but I wonder about the
consistency of the second bitmap if I/O is still being written to the master,
which implies the bitmap is changing. I did find the 'iicpbmp' command which
seems to be a solution, but again the worry about the consistency. (I've
looked at using and not using the '-c' option, but run into possibly
suspending II.) Does anyone know which is the best solution for creating the
second bitmap?

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