SUMMARY: Problem with quorum on SC 3.1 with FC

From: Harald Husemann (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2006 - 02:54:16 EDT

<Original posting below>

Hi again,

and thanks to Graeme Elsworthy <> and Jeff Stewart
<> for their replies.
Graeme suggested to re-initialize the devs and dids with scdidadm and
devfsadm, and Jeff mentioned that scdidadm -u -i could help.
Hm, I did this, and after a reboot (this was scheduled for another
maintenance work), magically the second quorum appeared, although still
offline. But, after removing + re-adding it, it was online.

I really don't know if the DiD-cleanup , or the reboot solved the
problem, but, it is solved...

Thanks to the list,

and have a nice hackin',

> Hi gurus,
> I've got a weird problem with a two-node SUN cluster (3.1U4 on SUN V20z,
> Solaris 10 with SUN 3510 FC as shared storage):
> The global share is visible from both nodes, and I've configured the
> cluster to use the share also as a quorum device. But, the cluster keeps
> complaining that the quorum device is offline.
> My idea was to add another global share, configure this as an additional
> quorum device, and then remove and re-attach the old one, in the hope to
> get it working.
> Hm, good idea, but no success: The shared storage is visible as
> DiD-device 8, and I can slice up the raw disk under /dev/rdsk using
> format, create a filesystem on it using newfs, and even mount it.
> So far, so good, one problem left: The cluster complains this shared
> disk is also offline, and I can't use it as a quorum device...
> Am I missing something? I also tried to configure a metaset with SDS for
> this DiD, also without success, since it complains "No such device".
> But, scdidadm -L shows it...
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Harald
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