Linux Jumpstart

From: Tom Kennedy (
Date: Tue Aug 16 2005 - 14:27:36 EDT

Sun Managers

I am using a Linux box to store images for my jumpstart server becasue it
is the only system I have that has enough
disk space. The images were downloaded from your site about a month ago.

 I created the images for Solaris 8, 9 and 10 by using
the the setup_install_server and add_to_install_server on a sun box to
create the images, then used cpio to transefer them to my linux box.
I am using DHCP to server up the boot paramters. I am testing this on
Sunblade 1000 and Sunblade 2500 machines. I updated the firmware on these

machines to the latest level available at the time.

I was able to get the install to work for three version of Solaris, but I

am still have a few issues.

1) For Solaris 10, after the installation completes, the post
setup-launcher GUI always comes up. I do not want this. I want the
system to come up to
    xWindows and be ready for use. I investigated and found that I could

prevent this by commenting out the setup-launcher command in the
    install-solaris file.
    Question: How can I stop the setup-launcher from running without
commenting it out in install-solaris script.

2) After the installation, the netmask and broadcast are not set properly
for the network interfaces (bge0, eri0,...) I can look at the
    trace in /var/sadm/system/logs and see that the sysidcfg file is
parsed correctly. I can add a call to ifconfig with the proper parameters

to the
   /etc/rc3.d directory to fix this, but I do not want to do this.
   Qeustion: What would cause theses parameters to not get set properly
and how can I fix it?

3) The only way I could get Solaris 10 to install over the network was by
using the inetboot from the Solaris9. When I use the one for Soalris 10,
     imediatly after the inetboot donload and begins to run, it says
something like sparcv9/unix not found?
     Question: Why does Soalris 10 installusing the Soalris 9 inetboot,
but not the Solaris10 ineboot.

I have been very pleased with Jumpstart. I am close to rolling this out
and I need to resolve these issues. Any assistance would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks.

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