Summary: DiskSuite question

From: Gosselin, Mark (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2005 - 11:19:52 EST

Hi All,
Thanks to Daniel Nuno for the only response. He pointed me to which provided me with what I needed.
Simple process:
Replace hard drive, reinstall OS, install DiskSuite, restore /etc/lvm/* from tape, restore lines to /etc/vfstab that mount metadevices... Reboot. That was
it. Some mirrored metadevices took a while to initialize because of the way they went down, but other than that, it was very simple...
Thanks again,
Mark Gosselin
NetScout Systems

-----Original Message-----
From: Gosselin, Mark
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 5:11 PM
Subject: DiskSuite question

Hi All,
I had a boot disk failaure and want to restore my attached disk arrays (configured in DiskSuite). I have good backups of all files from the system. Is there a document or procedure that will make retoring the DiskSuite config easy???
Mark Gosselin
sunmanagers mailing list

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