Sun Cluster 3.1 with SVM and Oracle RAC

From: ssloh (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 00:46:48 EST

Hi folks,

I would like to prompted for responses for the use of Oracle RAC 10g with cluster sofware and volume manager.
Knowing that oracle 10g come with it own file system (OCFS) and saying don't need Veritas Volume Manager/Filesystem or Sun Volume
manager which in turn save money

But in best practices and how many of you using it ??

Veritas Cluster Volume Manager/Cluster File system with VCS is still very commonly use for oracle rac in the industry. How about
other combination like Sun cluster 3.1 with SVM and QFS/AMS for oracle rac ? any success story ??? Please provide your software
products combination and experiences of using them.

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