e250 Memory errors

From: Kevin A. Sindhu (kevin.a.sindhu@Mail.AC)
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 11:23:55 EST

Hi All,

I'm having problems booting a e250 and don't quite know which one is
the suspect. We've tried to replace the memory, reset both CPU/Memory
but still have these problems...I looked around on sunsolve but couldn't
find anything. I'll appreciate if someone can guide me on what's going:

1) ******************** E250 with 256 MB of RAM
Hardware Power ON

CPU0 has assumed the role of Boot CPU

@(#) Sun (TM) Enterprise 250 3.16 Version 1 created 1999/04/19 07:55
Online: CPU0 Ultra-II (v10.0) 4:1 2048KB 2-2 ECache MCap 7
Online: CPU1 Ultra-II (v10.0) 4:1 2048KB 2-2 ECache MCap
Set-Speed Reset

CPU0 has assumed the role of Boot CPU

@(#) Sun (TM) Enterprise 250 3.16 Version 1 created 1999/04/19 07:55
Online: CPU0 Ultra-II (v10.0) 4:1 2048KB 2-2 ECache MCap 7
Online: CPU1 Ultra-II (v10.0) 4:1 2048KB 2-2 ECache MCap 7
Probing keyboard for L1/L1-D...Done
Executing Power On SelfTest w/%o0 = 0000.0000.0010.1002

0>@(#) Sun UltraSPARC-II 2-way UPA/PCI POST 6.0.9 04/19/99: 07:57
0>INFO: Processor 0 is master CPU.
0> <00> Init System BSS
0> <00> NVRAM Battery Detect Test
0> <00> NVRAM Scratch Addr Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
0> <00> Probe Ecache
0>INFO: 2048KB Ecache
0> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
0> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
0> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags
0> <00> SC Dtag Probe
0>INFO: Dtag supports up to 2MB Ecache
0>INFO: Processor 1 - UltraSPARC-II.
0> <00> Init SC Regs
0> <00> SC Address Reg Test
0> <00> SC Reg Index Test
0> <00> SC Regs Test
0> <00> SC Dtag RAM Addr Test
0> <00> SC Dtag Init
0> <00> Init SC Regs
0> <00> SC Cache Size Init
1> <00> Probe Ecache
1>INFO: 2048KB Ecache
1> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
1> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
1> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags
0> <00> Synch up Processor Ecache Sizes
1> <00> Synch up Processor Ecache Sizes
0> <00> Probe Memory
0>WARNING: SIMM Failure detected in Bank 0
0> SIMM U0701 = 128MB.
0> SIMM U0801 = 128MB.
0> SIMM U0901 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U1001 = 0MB.
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 1
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 2
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 3
0>TEST =Probe Memory
SUSPECT =System Failure
0>MSG =No Memory Detected
0> <00> Test Memory Data Lines
0> <00> Test Memory Address Lines
0> <00> Malloc Post Memory
0>TEST =Malloc Post Memory
0>MSG =Can't Malloc Memory for Post <00> Memory Stack Test
0>TEST =Memory Test
0>MSG =Memory compare error
         addr 00000000.007f80a0
         exp 00000000.00000000
         obs 11111111.11111111
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 0 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<128>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 47,
0> BMX U0602 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0602 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 319.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 4 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<132>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 67,
0> BMX U0601 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0601 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 307.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 8 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<136>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 117,
0> BMX U0504 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0504 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 321.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 12 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<140>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 137,
0> BMX U0503 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0503 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 309.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 16 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<144>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 155,
0> BMX U0502 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0502 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 295.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 20 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<148>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 173,
0> BMX U0501 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0501 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 283.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 24 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<152>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 191,
0> BMX U0404 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0404 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 297.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 28 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<156>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 11,
0> BMX U0403 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0403 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 285.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 32 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<160>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 29,
0> BMX U0402 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0402 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 271.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 36 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<164>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 47,
0> BMX U0401 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0401 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 259.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 40 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<168>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 67,
0> BMX U0304 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0304 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 273.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 44 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<172>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 117,
0> BMX U0303 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0303 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 261.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 48 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<176>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 137,
0> BMX U0302 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0302 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 247.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 52 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<180>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 155,
0> BMX U0301 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0301 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 235.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 56 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<184>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 173,
0> BMX U0204 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0204 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 249.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 60 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_B<188>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0901 pin 191,
0> BMX U0203 memory side, pin 64,
0> BMX U0203 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 237.
0>WARNING: SIMM Failure detected in Bank 0
0> SIMM U0701 = 128MB.
0> SIMM U0801 = 128MB.
0> SIMM U0901 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U1001 = 0MB.
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 1
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 2
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 3
0>TEST =Memory Test
SUSPECT =System Failure
0>MSG =No Memory Detected
0> <00> Init Memory
0> <00> ECC Memory Addr Test
1> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
1> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
1> <00> Update Slave Stack/Frame Ptrs
1> <00> Memory Data Lines
1> <00> Memory Address Lines
0> <00> V9 Instruction Test
1> <00> V9 Instruction Test
0> <00> Memory Addr w/ Ecache Test
0> <00> Block Memory Addr Test
0> <00> Copy Post to Memory
0> <00> Map/Exec POST from Memory
0> WARNING: Can't flush Ecache, no memory available
0>@(#) Sun UltraSPARC-II 2-way UPA/PCI POST 6.0.9 04/19/99: 07:57
0>INFO: Processor 0 is master CPU.
0> <00> Init System BSS
0> <00> NVRAM Battery Detect Test
0> <00> NVRAM Scratch Addr Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
0> <00> Probe Ecache
0>INFO: 2048KB Ecache
0> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
0> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
0> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags
0> <00> SC Dtag Probe
0>INFO: Dtag supports up to 2MB Ecache
0>INFO: Processor 1 - UltraSPARC-II.
0> <00> Init SC Regs
0> <00> SC Address Reg Test
0> <00> SC Reg Index Test
0> <00> SC Regs Test
0> <00> SC Dtag RAM Addr Test

2) ******************** E250 without memory

0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 271.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 36 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<164>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 47,
0> BMX U0401 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0401 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 259.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 40 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<168>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 67,
0> BMX U0304 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0304 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 273.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 44 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<172>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 117,
0> BMX U0303 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0303 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 261.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 48 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<176>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 137,
0> BMX U0302 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0302 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 247.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 52 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<180>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 155,
0> BMX U0301 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0301 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 235.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 56 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<184>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 173,
0> BMX U0204 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0204 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 249.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 60 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<188>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 191,
0> BMX U0203 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0203 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 237.
0>WARNING: SIMM Failure detected in Bank 0
0> SIMM U0701 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U0801 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U0901 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U1001 = 0MB.
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 1
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 2
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 3
0>TEST =Memory Test
SUSPECT =System Failure
0>MSG =No Memory Detected
0> <00> Init Memory
0> <00> ECC Memory Addr Test
1> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
1> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
1> <00> Update Slave Stack/Frame Ptrs
1> <00> Memory Data Lines
1> <00> Memory Address Lines
0> <00> V9 Instruction Test
1> <00> V9 Instruction Test
0> <00> Memory Addr w/ Ecache Test
0> <00> Block Memory Addr Test
0> <00> Copy Post to Memory
0> <00> Map/Exec POST from Memory
0> WARNING: Can't flush Ecache, no memory available
0>@(#) Sun UltraSPARC-II 2-way UPA/PCI POST 6.0.9 04/19/99: 07:57
0>INFO: Processor 0 is master CPU.
0> <00> Init System BSS
0> <00> NVRAM Battery Detect Test
0> <00> NVRAM Scratch Addr Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
0> <00> Probe Ecache
0>INFO: 2048KB Ecache
0> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
0> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
0> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags
0> <00> SC Dtag Probe
0>INFO: Dtag supports up to 2MB Ecache
0>INFO: Processor 1 - UltraSPARC-II.
0> <00> Init SC Regs
0> <00> SC Address Reg Test
0> <00> SC Reg Index Test
0> <00> SC Regs Test
0> <00> SC Dtag RAM Addr Test
0> <00> SC Dtag Init
0> <00> Init SC Regs
0> <00> SC Cache Size Init
1> <00> Probe Ecache
1>INFO: 2048KB Ecache
1> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
1> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
1> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags
0> <00> Synch up Processor Ecache Sizes
1> <00> Synch up Processor Ecache Sizes
0> <00> Probe Memory
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 0
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 1
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 2
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 3
0>TEST =Probe Memory
SUSPECT =System Failure
0>MSG =No Memory Detected
0> <00> Test Memory Data Lines
0> <00> Test Memory Address Lines
0> <00> Malloc Post Memory
0>TEST =Malloc Post Memory
0>MSG =Can't Malloc Memory for Post <00> Memory Stack Test
0>TEST =Memory Test
0>MSG =Memory compare error
         addr 00000000.007f8080
         exp 00000000.00000000
         obs 11111111.11111111
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 0 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<128>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 47,
0> BMX U0602 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0602 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 319.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 4 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<132>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 67,
0> BMX U0601 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0601 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 307.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 8 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<136>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 117,
0> BMX U0504 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0504 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 321.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 12 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<140>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 137,
0> BMX U0503 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0503 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 309.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 16 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<144>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 155,
0> BMX U0502 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0502 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 295.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 20 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<148>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 173,
0> BMX U0501 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0501 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 283.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 24 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<152>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 191,
0> BMX U0404 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0404 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 297.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 28 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<156>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 11,
0> BMX U0403 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0403 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 285.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 32 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<160>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 29,
0> BMX U0402 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0402 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 271.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 36 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<164>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 47,
0> BMX U0401 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0401 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 259.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 40 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<168>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 67,
0> BMX U0304 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0304 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 273.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 44 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<172>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 117,
0> BMX U0303 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0303 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 261.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 48 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<176>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 137,
0> BMX U0302 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0302 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 247.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 52 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<180>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 155,
0> BMX U0301 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0301 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 235.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 56 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<184>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 173,
0> BMX U0204 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0204 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 249.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 60 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<188>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 191,
0> BMX U0203 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0203 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 237.
0>WARNING: SIMM Failure detected in Bank 0
0> SIMM U0701 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U0801 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U0901 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U1001 = 0MB.
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 1
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 2
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 3
0>TEST =Memory Test
SUSPECT =System Failure
0>MSG =No Memory Detected
0> <00> Init Memory
0> <00> ECC Memory Addr Test
1> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
1> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
1> <00> Update Slave Stack/Frame Ptrs
1> <00> Memory Data Lines
1> <00> Memory Address Lines
0> <00> V9 Instruction Test
1> <00> V9 Instruction Test
0> <00> Memory Addr w/ Ecache Test
0> <00> Block Memory Addr Test
0> <00> Copy Post to Memory
0> <00> Map/Exec POST from Memory
0> WARNING: Can't flush Ecache, no memory available
0>@(#) Sun UltraSPARC-II 2-way UPA/PCI POST 6.0.9 04/19/99: 07:57
0>INFO: Processor 0 is master CPU.
0> <00> Init System BSS
0> <00> NVRAM Battery Detect Test
0> <00> NVRAM Scratch Addr Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
0> <00> Probe Ecache
0>INFO: 2048KB Ecache
0> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
0> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
0> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags
0> <00> SC Dtag Probe
0>INFO: Dtag supports up to 2MB Ecache
0>INFO: Processor 1 - UltraSPARC-II.
0> <00> Init SC Regs
0> <00> SC Address Reg Test
0> <00> SC Reg Index Test
0> <00> SC Regs Test
0> <00> SC Dtag RAM Addr Test
0> <00> SC Dtag Init
0> <00> Init SC Regs
0> <00> SC Cache Size Init
1> <00> Probe Ecache
1>INFO: 2048KB Ecache
1> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
1> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
1> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags
0> <00> Synch up Processor Ecache Sizes
1> <00> Synch up Processor Ecache Sizes
0> <00> Probe Memory
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 0
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 1
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 2
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 3
0>TEST =Probe Memory
SUSPECT =System Failure
0>MSG =No Memory Detected
0> <00> Test Memory Data Lines
0> <00> Test Memory Address Lines
0> <00> Malloc Post Memory
0>TEST =Malloc Post Memory
0>MSG =Can't Malloc Memory for Post <00> Memory Stack Test
0>TEST =Memory Test
0>MSG =Memory compare error
         addr 00000000.007f8080
         exp 00000000.00000000
         obs 11111111.11111111
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 0 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<128>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 47,
0> BMX U0602 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0602 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 319.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 4 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<132>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 67,
0> BMX U0601 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0601 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 307.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 8 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<136>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 117,
0> BMX U0504 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0504 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 321.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 12 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<140>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 137,
0> BMX U0503 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0503 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 309.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 16 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<144>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 155,
0> BMX U0502 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0502 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 295.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 20 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<148>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 173,
0> BMX U0501 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0501 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 283.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 24 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<152>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 191,
0> BMX U0404 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0404 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 297.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 28 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<156>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 11,
0> BMX U0403 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0403 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 285.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 32 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<160>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 29,
0> BMX U0402 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0402 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 271.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 36 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<164>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 47,
0> BMX U0401 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0401 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 259.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 40 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<168>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 67,
0> BMX U0304 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0304 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 273.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 44 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<172>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 117,
0> BMX U0303 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0303 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 261.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 48 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<176>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 137,
0> BMX U0302 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0302 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 247.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 52 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<180>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 155,
0> BMX U0301 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0301 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 235.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 56 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<184>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 173,
0> BMX U0204 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0204 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 249.
0>ERROR: Failing memory path data bit!
0> Data bit offset 60 at fault.
0> Corresponding memory data bit is MEM_DAT_A<188>.
0> Suspect Path Information:
0> Memory SIMM U0701 pin 191,
0> BMX U0203 memory side, pin 63,
0> BMX U0203 upa side, pin 30,
0> UPA Connector J0101 pin 237.
0>WARNING: SIMM Failure detected in Bank 0
0> SIMM U0701 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U0801 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U0901 = 0MB.
0> SIMM U1001 = 0MB.
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 1
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 2
0>INFO: No memory detected in Bank 3
0>TEST =Memory Test
SUSPECT =System Failure
0>MSG =No Memory Detected
0> <00> Init Memory
0> <00> ECC Memory Addr Test
1> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
1> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
1> <00> Update Slave Stack/Frame Ptrs
1> <00> Memory Data Lines
1> <00> Memory Address Lines
0> <00> V9 Instruction Test
1> <00> V9 Instruction Test
0> <00> Memory Addr w/ Ecache Test
0> <00> Block Memory Addr Test
0> <00> Copy Post to Memory
0> <00> Map/Exec POST from Memory
0> WARNING: Can't flush Ecache, no memory available
0>@(#) Sun UltraSPARC-II 2-way UPA/PCI POST 6.0.9 04/19/99: 07:57
0>INFO: Processor 0 is master CPU.
0> <00> Init System BSS
0> <00> NVRAM Battery Detect Test
0> <00> NVRAM Scratch Addr Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
0> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
0> <00> Probe Ecache
0>INFO: 2048KB Ecache
0> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
0> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
0> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags
0> <00> SC Dtag Probe
0>INFO: Dtag supports up to 2MB Ecache
0>INFO: Processor 1 - UltraSPARC-II.
0> <00> Init SC Regs
0> <00> SC Address Reg Test
0> <00> SC Reg Index Test
0> <00> SC Regs Test
0> <00> SC Dtag RAM Addr Test
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