SUMMARY: questions about nfs and netgroup

From: Gerard Henry (
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 17:28:16 EST

thanks to:
Paul LaMadeleine
Nicolas Figaro
Dale Hirchert
Jay Lessert

in fact, there is no need to do something, expect update nis table and wait
if we had a new machine in netgroup, client can moun t immediatly
and if we remove a machine, it seems we have to wait 15mn before client is denied to mount
so no need to restart nfs service!

> i have a question about policy to update my nfs shares.
> Machines are added/removed in netgroup (nis files)
> to activate this changes, i have to do:
> /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
> /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
> but i do this on my prod server, so i'm wondering if it is a bad thing to do it during users work?
> sometimes kernel says:
> Jan 19 23:13:45 serengheti nfs: [ID 626546 kern.notice] NFS write error on host scr: Stale NFS file handle.
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