Sickly DDS drive?

From: Fergus Wilde (
Date: Tue Dec 02 2003 - 11:23:18 EST

Hello All,

My external DDS3 drive has, after being unplugged in order to try another unit
in its place for testing, gone into a sulk from which I can't awaken it.

On powering up it displays the power LED, v. briefly the tape LED, and then
locks onto the clean LED, which wasn't showing before.

It won't accept a tape (even the cleaning tape I was trying to put in in order
to answer its pleas), unless you catch it just as it's powering up, and then
it spits the tape out again.

Solaris 8 will only reply 'drive offline or no tape', in response to queries
or commands.

I have tried what seemed obvious - swapping the SCSI cables, checking the
connectors, swapping the power lead, powering on and off, rebooting the
machine it's attached to, and doing probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all. The
latter appears to identify the drive OK, but still can't bring it online or
prepare it to accept a tape.

Is there anything else to be tried before summoning a Sun engineer?

Thanks folks

Fergus Wilde
Chetham's Library
Long Millgate
M3  1SB
Tel: +44 161 834 7961
Fax: +44 161 839 5797
sunmanagers mailing list

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