Additional info: Linux <-> Solaris NFSv3 not working

From: Dragon King (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 19:15:00 EDT

First of all, thanks for all the rapid responses, but... They won't quite
help on RedHat Sparc.. Most people said run kernel 2.4.x..
The sparc kernel hasn't kept up version wise with the x86 version, so as
far as I know 2.2.19 is the most up to date one for sparcs.. I've been
attempting to recompile that kernel making sure I said yes to NFSv3, but
haven't had a chance yet to look into the errors when doing "make
Keep the thoughts coming, and always, I'll post what ends up working on
this older sparc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dragon King []
> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 4:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: Linux <-> Solaris NFSv3 not working
> I've got a sparc 10 running solaris 8 10/01 with all the free patches, and
> a sparc 2 running redhat 6.2 with all the redhat 6.2 updates...including
> kernel 2.2.19-6.1.12. I've compiled and installed nfs-utils 0.3.3-5 from
> source rpm. NFS works both ways, but I can't get NFSv3 to work.. I tried
> the nfsvers=3 option on linux and got the following response..
> NFSv3 not supported!
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on bahamut:/,
> or too many mounted file systems
> bahamut of course being the solaris machine. When I try the reverse with
> the vers=3 option from solaris, it says NFS service not responding.
> I know it's a problem on the linux machine, but I can't figure out what
> I'm missing.
> I'll gladly summarize as it may help the other linux-solaris nfs question
> asked recently.
> Jeff

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