PC Netlink 2.0 , BDC and NIS+ Accounts passwords synchoranization problem.

From: Zir Zarra (zirzarra@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 13:47:31 EDT

I installed a PC Netlink 2.0 server on our Solaris 8.0 server. We are using
NIS+ as our naming service. I don't have Solaris clients, i.e. the users
will connect to the server using xterm. I did the procedures of the
installation as it were written in SUN documentations. Everything running
fine except the main reason for installing this server, which is
synchronizing the NIS+ and the Windows accounts passwords.
I've tried to debug the problem (using the documentation again) and I found
that when I run
# netstat -a | grep 6793

I get
      *.6793 *.* 0 0 24576 0 LISTEN
instead of getting:
      *.6793 *.* 0 0 24576 0 LISTEN
server.6793 *.* 0 0 24576 0 LISTEN

Any ideas ?

Also, Do I have to install the PAM module for the client on the server?
(Although I have no Solaris clients as I mentioned earlier. BTW, I did
install it)

BTW. the Solaris server acts like NIS+ master, file server and BDC for NT.

I appreciate your help.

Zir Zarra

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