webflashstart failure

From: Jason Parsons (jparsons-sun@saffron.net)
Date: Tue Aug 19 2003 - 23:58:19 EDT

Under Solaris 8, I created a flash archive like so:

flarcreate -n "server baseline" -x /contentvol -x /var/audit/

I then booted from a Solaris 8 install disk and attempted to install
from this archive. I get this error:

The system is being initialized, please wait... \
The following errors were detected in the archive(s) you selected:
- Unexpected error found with media or archive selected
Please reselect the Flash archives you want to install.

    <Press ENTER to continue>

I have confirmed that the client is able to get the archive, and don't
see any problems with the archive. I tried to rebuild the archive with
and without compression. Unfortunately, I don't see any way to get at
the logs on the client side (I only have console access, and can't
figure out how to break out of the menu system to look at the logs in

Any ideas on what may be failing? How can I get more information than
"Unexpected error"? Any help appreciated, as this is a timely issue
for me.

Thank you.
  - Jason Parsons
sunmanagers mailing list

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