Solaris 8 authentication with iplanet 5.1

From: Himanshu Khona (
Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 00:52:03 EDT

Dear all,

I am almost done with my setup. I am stuck at the last point.
I have to add nisDomainObject to my base object. For the i have a ldif file
as follows:
dn: dc=earth, dc=com
changetype: modify
add: objectClass
objectClass: nisDomainObject
add: nisDomain

I have added nisDomainObject as objectClass & nisDomain as the attribute.
Any other way then GUI to check the same?

Also its strange the objectClass & attribute are shown inf configuration but
when i try to add objectClass through console and saying addvalue to
objectClass it doesn't list nisDomainObject. Any ideas hwo to get this
listing while adding objectClass to an object.

But when i run ldapmodify it gives an error saying objectClass violation.
Any ideas? Incase you know how to debug wether problem is due to objectClass
schema or attribute problem do let me know.
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