Can Solaris do source routing like Linux with advanced routing?

From: Juri Haberland (
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 08:20:20 EDT

Hi Sun-Managers,

this is my first post on this list, so please bear with me ;)
And - of course - I'll post a summary.

I'm looking for a possebility to do 'source routing'. What I mean with it is
that I want to be able to route based on the source, not the destination
address. Think of the following:
A box with two interfaces, each has an IP address in a different subnet
and clients from the internet connect through both interfaces. Now I
want to route the 'answers' back through the corresponding interface where
the 'question' came in. So I will need two default routes, but with this
Solaris does a kind of round robing.
With Linux I can use the advanced routing feature and can set up different
routing tables and assign traffic to these tables based on e.g. the source
I searched the net and found a post
( where
someone claimed that it would be possible to do just what I want with
just a second default route - tried it, and no, it's just round robing.

Another one suggested using IPFilter's fastroute option, but as far as I
could see the fastroute option still uses the routing table of the OS.

Any ideas?


Juri Haberland  <> 
sunmanagers mailing list

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