RE: PGP 9.0

From: Ebeling, Jr., Herman Frederick (
Date: Fri Jan 06 2006 - 20:54:00 EST

Hash: SHA1

- ----Original Message----
From: John E. Fleming []
Sent: Friday, 06 January, 2006 13:55
Subject: RE: PGP 9.0

: Not sure if it was just rumor or not, but I heard this happened as a
: result of 9-11. Apparently the terrorists' were using the freeware
: version of PGP to encrypt their communications with each other. I may be
: wrong, but I'm sure that's what I heard. Maybe making it a commercial
: version can not only generate revenue, but possibly help enforce import
: and export laws on the software.
: Regards,
: John


        I sure as hope that 9/11 didn't have anything to do with it. I mean yes PGP can be
"used" against us by those trying
to hurt us by encrypting their communications. But taking away the software via a 30 day
limit really isn't the
answer. As there are PLENTY of sites where one can obtain license/registration numbers.
Not to mention that the
"easiest" way around a license/registration number/trial license is to simply back up all
of the data on the computer
on which it's installed, reformat, and re-installing the software.

        Although IF more people would make use of PGP (or some other form of encryption software)
it would render Echelon all
but useless. . .
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Version: PGP 8.0.3


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