[HPADM] Unable to open - Error = 'RPC server is not listening

From: Jagadesh Selvaraj (Jagadesh.s@in.ibm.com)
Date: Thu Apr 28 2005 - 12:45:32 EDT

Dear All,

When users try to access the oracle environment via citrix they are
getting an error "Unable to open - Error = 'RPC server is not listening'".
When i checked for the rpc process it is not running. I started rpcbind
using /usr/sbin/rpcbind. Then i stop & started the nfs client and server
Please find the rpc process below.

#ps -eaf|grep rpc
root 1052 1 0 Apr 25 ? 0:56 /opt/dce/sbin/rpcd
root 8649 1 0 16:15:34 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
root 9338 1 0 16:16:58 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.lockd
root 3337 16737 1 17:45:18 pts/0 0:00 grep rpc
root 9332 1 0 16:16:58 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.statd
root 9923 1 0 16:17:09 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd

Please find the rpcinfo output too.
#rpcinfo -p
program vers proto port service
100000 4 tcp 111 rpcbind
100000 3 tcp 111 rpcbind
100000 2 tcp 111 rpcbind
100000 4 udp 111 rpcbind
100000 3 udp 111 rpcbind
100000 2 udp 111 rpcbind
100024 1 udp 604 status
100024 1 tcp 605 status
100021 1 tcp 610 nlockmgr
100021 1 udp 611 nlockmgr
100021 3 tcp 612 nlockmgr
100021 3 udp 613 nlockmgr
100021 4 tcp 614 nlockmgr
100021 4 udp 615 nlockmgr
100020 1 udp 4045 llockmgr
100020 1 tcp 4045 llockmgr
100021 2 tcp 616 nlockmgr
100005 1 udp 771 mountd
100005 3 udp 771 mountd
100005 1 tcp 772 mountd
100005 3 tcp 772 mountd
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs

Still the users are getting the Error = 'RPC server is not listening'. Let
me know how to rectify this.


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