[HPADM] timezone issue

From: Harm Ensing (ensin001@hdxh0e.unix.telecom.ptt.nl)
Date: Thu Apr 07 2005 - 07:20:28 EDT


I did a quick scan on the HP-UX admin website but could not find anything usefull.

The problem we are experiencing is that when executing a remote command
through ssh does not import /etc/profile so evironment variables like TZ
are not set.

When I run the following command on two different systems I get :

# ssh system1 "echo \"TZ=$TZ\"; /usr/sbin/kmtune|grep timezone; date"
timezone -60 - (-60)
Thu Apr 7 06:54:31 EDT 2005

# ssh system2 "echo \"TZ=$TZ\"; /usr/sbin/kmtune|grep timezone; date"
timezone 420 - 420
Thu Apr 7 12:54:27 METDST 2005

So, it appears that the default timezone is different.
Question: could this have to do the timezone kernel-setting which is obviously different on both systems?

any documentation about the link between this kernel setting (other than the man page) is welcome!
For instance, I cannot figure out what the link could be between -60 and EDT on the one hand and 420 and
METDST on the other.

I am aware of the fact that we could force importing /etc/profile in the script:
# ssh system2 ". /etc/profile; echo \"TZ=$TZ\"; /usr/sbin/kmtune|grep timezone; date"

What I would like to know is: is there a way to force ssh to import /etc/profile when executing a command
other than the way I mentioned above.

Any help/info is welcome.


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