[HPADM] SUMMARY: Online JFS files

From: Jeff Cleverley (jeffc@ftc.agilent.com)
Date: Fri Jan 28 2005 - 16:52:30 EST


I received responses from Steve Bonds, Galen Scalone, Ryan from
BellSouth, and Rita Workman.

The answer I need came from Steve. The files are kept in /etc/vx/elm.
In our case they were 80.lic files. A strings of the file shows the key
that was entered on the first line.

A couple of people also mentioned /var/adm/sw/.codewords. This seems to
be for the key to unlock the CDs that you install from. We have depots
to install from and don't use CDs, so we don't have this file.

Thanks to everyone for their replies and the help. The original
question is listed below.


We had a system crash and burn that had Online JFS installed. We did an

ignite and rebuilt it but can't find the key for the JFS. Is there a
file that holds this information we can either restore in place or run a

strings on it to get the license key? The vxlicense -p doesn't show it.

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