[HPADM] reboot necessary after setting time back?

From: Harm Ensing (ensin001@hdxh0e.unix.telecom.ptt.nl)
Date: Wed Mar 31 2004 - 09:11:08 EST


I scanned the archive but could not find an appropriate answer.

My problem is that we have system where the clock has been set formard by one hour.
A mistake often made aund this time of year. Ofcourse the TZ variable should have been used.
However, the problem now exists.

We want to reset te time, so go back to the future.
Some of my colleagues are pertinent that a reboot of the system is necessary after using the date command.

As far as I can tell a reboot should not be necessary. Stopping all critical (user) processes should be sufficient.

Any views on this matter?

BTW, I am aware that 'going back in time' can have serious implications for certain applications like Oracle databases, but that is another matter.

-Harm Ensing-

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