[HPADM] autoFS problem?

From: Minkov, Ross (ross.minkov@hp.com)
Date: Wed Jul 30 2003 - 12:34:46 EDT


We have an 11.11 HP-UX system using the new autoFS.

# grep AUTOFS /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf | grep -v ^#

# ps -ef | grep auto | grep -v grep
    root 619 0 0 Jul 21 console 0:09 autofs_proc
    root 616 1 0 Jul 21 ? 0:40

We NFS mount /usr/local on that system. As we have a mixture of Tru64
UNIX/HP-UX/Solaris/Linux/AIX systems in a single NIS domain we have
different /usr/local file systems for each UNIX flavor. We serve one set
of automount/autoFS maps to all NIS client systems. As the bulk of the
systems are running Tru64 UNIX we have the Tru64 UNIX /usr/local
configured for automounting by default.

hpcis1 # -> ypcat -k auto.common | grep local
/usr/local alpha:/usrlocal/tru64/data

On all of the other platforms we have "/usr/local -null" entry in
/etc/auto_master and /usr/local entry in /etc/(v)fstab to mount the
appropriate /usr/local on boot. For example on the HP-UX system:

# grep local /etc/auto_master
/usr/local -null

# grep local /etc/fstab
alpha:/usrlocal/hpux/data /usr/local nfs defaults 0 0

Problem Description

We have seen the following problem on this HP-UX system with the new
autoFS. When the system boots up it NFS mounts /usr/local OK. After some
time (not sure how long) checking for the NFS mounted /usr/local shows
that it is no longer mounted:

hpcis1 # -> bdf | grep local

Trying to cd to /usr/local mounts the Tru64 UNIX /usr/local listed in

hpcis1 # -> cd /usr/local
hpcis1 # -> bdf | grep local
alpha:/usrlocal/tru64/data 10664584 3466320 7198264 33% /usr/local

We do not want that. Looks like we have 2 problems:

1. Why /usr/local unmounts on its own?
2. Why when we cd to /usr/local we can get past "/usr/local -null" in
/etc/auto_master and yet successfully mount it? Is the new autoFS
ignoring /etc/auto_master?

We have another 11.11 HP-UX system configured to use the old automount
daemon. We do not see that problem there.


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