[HPADM] SUMMARY: modifying/replacing a line in multiple files

From: FINK,RICH (HP-USA,ex1) (rich.fink@hp.com)
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 10:41:26 EDT

        Hello Admins,

        Many thanks to all those who responded to my foggy-brained request,
especially Bill Thompson, Richard Goodwin, and Stuart Abramson. In the end,
the easiest solution was a combination of the responses. Tested it, ran it
on production, and it worked perfectly.

        Thanks again for the quick and enlightening responses!


----------------------< This is what I used

        #! /bin/sh
        set -x
        cd <directory_containing_config_files>
         for f in *.conf
           if grep -i '#to_addr=Maureen
Schultz/Unix(maureen_schultz@ibs.com)' $f
        /bin/vi $f >/dev/null <<END
        :set ignorecase
        /#to_addr=Maureen Schultz\\/Unix(maureen_schultz@ibs.com)
        0C#to_addr=Maureen Carroll/Unix(maureen_carroll@ibs.com)^[:w!

-------------------------< Original Question below

        Hey Admins,

        Ok, I just got off a 4 1/2 hour conference call, and will admit I'm
a little brain dead at the moment. I looked in the archives, but couldn't
find what I was looking for..

        Anyway, I have to edit a large number of files, making a similar
change to each one. Basically they're application configuration files,
containing a list of email names and addresses, along with other data. We
had a user change her name, which now necessitates changing her email in
these conf files.

        So I have about 100 files, in a directory of ~250, with a line like:

                #to_addr=Maureen Schultz/Unix(maureen_schultz@ibs.com)

        which needs to be changed to:

                #to_addr=Maureen Carroll/Unix(maureen_carroll@ibs.com)

        I'm assuming the easiest way would be a sed/awk script, but of
course my book is at home. (isn't that always the way?) The sed man page
helps, but it also appears to be case-sensitive. Naturally, my files have
mixed case.

        Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated, and I'll
summarize. Thanks!


Rich Fink 404-(t)648-8191
Team Lead
Americas HPS IT Front End Systems
Order and Contract Administration Systems

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