[HPADM] Summary HP-UX-style kybd for USB?

From: Eric de Keizer (eric@dutlhs7.lr.tudelft.nl)
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 09:33:36 EDT

Dear all,

I did receive reactions from CBee, Edward and Eef Hartman
(splendid explanation in the Dutch language).
Thanks go to all for pointing me in the direction of xmodmap.
Unfortunately I do not have time to figure things out in the next
few days so I summarize the contributions in English below.

Kind regards,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric de Keizer [mailto:eric@dutlhs7.lr.tudelft.nl]
> I have encountered a problem with my "PC-style" keyboard.
> When using and
> administering our old but reliable and versatile HP-1000
> system I was used
> to the old keyboard lay-out of the HP terminals and the older
> HP-9000 systems. When I changed my old 720 for a not so brand new
> B-1000 (HP-UX 11i! ;-) it appears not to be possible to
> connect an old style
> HP-HIL keyboard to this system.
> What I need are the keys labeled with "insert char", "delete char",
> "insert line", "delete line" and "clear screen".
> I was already thinking of
> 1 a HP-HIL to USB converter,
> 2 a USB keyboard in the old HP-UX layout
> 3 adding a X-terminal to the mess on my desk.

4: You can also use a software solution: use `xkeycaps`

4.1: Select the desired keyboard and use the 'type at window' option
4.2: Select your local keyboard and redefine not/rarely used keys
4.3: once 4.2 works, create an "xmodmap" file.
You might also be able to get a HP-style terminal emulator, like KeaTERM for
vax/vms terminals. They also have software/window keyboards or keyboard

Hello Eric,

How about a keyboard map (see man xmodmap).
You could assign a character of your choice to act as the "delete char"
for example. The only hard part is knowing/guessing/finding the keyodes.

Best regards,

  name  : Eric W. de Keizer    snail : Delft University of Technology
  phone : (+31) 015 - 2785905          Department of Aerospace Engineering
  fax   : (+31) 015 - 2787077          Laboratory of Aerodynamics 
  email : E.W.deKeizer@lr.tudelft.nl   P.O. Box 5058
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