[HPADM] Automated FTP Script - File Checking

From: Roger Realsen (roger.realsen@wareforce.com)
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 17:55:18 EDT


HP9000 D250

I have a few automated FTP scripts running and they all basically follow the
following syntax:

        ftp -i -n << EOF
        open <server>
        user <userID> <password>
        get <filename1>

My problem lies in the fact that in cron I set these scripts to run at a
particular time and the company creating this file may not be done writing
at that time. What kind of steps can be taken to implement file checking to
insure I am getting a complete file (either from my side in a script or from
my partner company side)?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Roger Realsen
Director of IT
WF Acquisition Sub, Inc.
19 Morgan
Irvine, CA 92618
PH: (949) 472-9000
FX: (949) 452-1413
Email: roger.realsen@wareforce.com

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