[HPADM] I-node question

Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 11:39:31 EDT

Hi admins,

My Oracle dba infome me that Patrol send the diagnostic information about
the I-node table. Here
is extrait of message:
This parameter display the percentage of kernel I-node slots that are used.
An I-node is normally used
to store active files, directories and file information. It is also used for
other services such as pipes, clone drivers, and on semaphores.

If the I-node table is full, the services that required I-node slots are
refused by the system. You may get the
message "I-node table overflow". Abnormal results and missing data files may

Can someone please help me to interprete this message.

Cordialement(Best regards)
Kazem Bakhshesh(administrateur Système:HP-UX)
E-Mail : bakhshek@essilor.fr
Tel :

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