[HPADM] rcmd error

From: Jim Langston (jim.langston@walkerfirst.com)
Date: Fri Jul 05 2002 - 12:08:00 EDT


I have set up remsh so that a user can remsh from a box called "symfora" to
box called "zander". On "zander", I've set up the .rhost file and the
/etc/host.equiv file. However, when this one user "psoft" tries to remsh to
zander from symfora, he gets this:

symfora:/home/psoft >remsh -l bdf
rcmd: -l: Unknown host

Any ideas??

Below are the .rhost and the /etc/hosts.equiv files off of zander.

zander@root:/ $ cat .rhosts
zander@root:/ $ cat /etc/hosts.equiv
hal9000.walkerassoc.com oracle psoft
devel.walkerassoc.com oracle psoft
appsrv.walkerassoc.com oracle psoft
yajna.walkerassoc.com oracle psoft
symfora.walkerassoc.com root oracle psoft
symfora-fast.walkerassoc.com root oracle psoft
symfora.walkerassoc.com root oracle psoft
zander@root:/ $

Jim Langston
Unix Administrator
Walker & Associates
Office: (336) 731-5465
Fax: (336) 731-1588
Cell: (864) 590-5646

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