Re: Flatpanel rackmount 1U serial terminal?

From: Michael Cheselka (cheselka@LINUX.CACTUS.ORG)
Date: Sun Feb 01 2004 - 17:51:33 EST

Why not just use a laptop? Put a knoppix CD in and boot off that.
Too much trouble? You can also attach the serial port via null modem
cables to alternating servers, and name them with their rack locations
prepending -#even or -#odd to let you know which is attached to which.


So, to get to either add one if even or subtract one if odd. If using
a zero index, just the opposite. Of course, you may not want to do
this since it means sshing into an unrelated server and running
terminal software on it. You're DBA, or whomever, may object. It is
a solution pratically for free, though. You could also use DNS
aliases like webserv-12-mate to ssh into the server oracle and then
run "cu -l -m /dev/tty0".

Michael R. M. Cheselka             
Itsu Made Mo "Love & Peace"        

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