Solaris9 and AIX5

From: Theresa Sarver (tsarver@IFMC.SDPS.ORG)
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 14:01:00 EST

Hi All;

My company is an AIX shop; however, SUN has a Solaris 9 lab setup in an attempt to [try to] sell us some hardware...the one thing I've noticed is that there is an awful lot of reboots required for Solaris (in comparison to AIX)...does anyone know off the top of their head what all requires reboots on SUN?

It also appears (as an outsider looking in) that the amount of sys_admin_time on Solaris would be greatly increased. Is this an accurate presumption or is my *bias* overpowering my vision! :)

Thanks for your info!

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