Time Zone

From: phsol (phsol@UOL.COM.BR)
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 14:03:25 EDT

I am using ntp and I need to synchronize minutes and seconds
between servers that have different time zones.

I must keep the local time (just the day and hour) ignoring
the remote server time.

Local: Tue Oct 21 15:37:38 GRNLNDST 2003

ntpdate 172.x.x.x
21 Oct 14:45:01 ntpdate[6290]: step time server
offset -3601.817491 sec

After command:
Tue Oct 21 14:45:38 GRNLNDST 2003 -> Incorrect local hour.


Does anyone know how can I do this using NTP client or any
other tool without changing the local time zone?


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