Fwd: Re: Split SCSI for LPARS

From: Raj Atwal (atwalrs@YAHOO.COM)
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 14:14:55 EDT

I believe have confused the internal split SCSI backplane with being able to split the disk packs in the D20. For those interested read the reply by Joe.


Raj Atwal

Joe Ryals <joe_ryals@csx.com> wrote:
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 13:11:31 -0400
From: Joe Ryals
To: IBM AIX Discussion List ,
Subject: Re: Split SCSI for LPARS

Sorry, my emails to the list do not make it for some reason,
The feature that you are referring to is for the internal 4 pack backplane on the p630 and p650 systems only, this allows each half to be connected to a separate scsi adapter (2 separate adapters) via a special SCSI card (in slot 7 of the p650, we have 2 p650's with this feature) so that each scsi adapter can be configured for a different lpar. I don't think the D20 I/0 drawer (which is now available on the p650) can split the 6 bay backplanes in the same way but the D20 has room for 2 x 6 bay backplanes which I believe can be connected via separate scsi adapters ( one for each LPAR )
Raj Atwal wrote: I am sure I read something about this somewhere but for the life of me I cannot find anything about this now. The four pack disks that are installed in the I/O drawers have to be "normally" assigned to one LPAR because of the one SCSI bus, but I believe there is something called split-scsi that allows the disk pack to be split between LPARs. Can anybody verify this and possibly point me to some documentation please? Specifically I am looking at configuring a p650 for 5 lpars. TIA Raj Atwal
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