Re: Split SCSI for LPARS

From: Bill Verzal (BVerzal@KOMATSUNA.COM)
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 12:26:16 EDT

I am not aware of this feature. I did not see it on the P670 or P690.

Bill Verzal
AIX Administrator, Komatsu America
(847) 970-3726 - direct
(847) 970-4184 - fax

| | Raj Atwal |
| | <atwalrs@YAHOO.CO|
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| | 08/06/2003 11:07 |
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  | To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU |
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  | Subject: Split SCSI for LPARS |

I am sure I read something about this somewhere but for the life of me I
cannot find anything about this now.

The four pack disks that are installed in the I/O drawers have to be
"normally" assigned to one LPAR because of the one SCSI bus, but I believe
there is something called split-scsi that allows the disk pack to be split
between LPARs. Can anybody verify this and possibly point me to some
documentation please?

Specifically I am looking at configuring a p650 for 5 lpars.


Raj Atwal

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