Re: Power Requirements

From: Bill Verzal (BVerzal@KOMATSUNA.COM)
Date: Tue Jun 17 2003 - 11:20:05 EDT

Well the R50 as a 650W power supply in a non-redundant configuration, with
a single 120V plug. The J would probably be the same. The 7133-010 uses
standard 120V power. You could probably get by with both of these on a
single 15 amp service. The -600 uses 3 power supplies. I'd limit myself
to 3 of them on a 15 amp service.

These are "bets guesses" based on usage, but the actual product docs may be


Bill Verzal
AIX Administrator, Komatsu America
(847) 970-3726 - direct
(847) 970-4184 - fax

| | Tim Muller |
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| | 06/17/2003 09:58 |
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  | To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU |
  | cc: |
  | Subject: Power Requirements |

Where can I find the power requirements for older
equipment like a J50, G40, G30, G02 expansion cabinet,
7133-010 & -600, and a 7204-139 ext disk drive? TIA.


Tim Muller
Hamilton Co. Dept. of Job & Family Services
Cincinnati, OH USA

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