Re: NIM install of SP node

From: Green, Simon (Simon.Green@EU.ALTRIA.COM)
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 12:36:12 EDT

The use of a NIM master other than the CWS is common on large SP2 clusters.
Look for references to "boot/install server" in the manuals.

What do you mean by "reinstall as a stand-alone unit"? What sort of node is
it? If it's an actual SP2 node, as opposed to an SP Attached Server then it
is dependent on the SP2 and can never be truly standalone, although it can
be standalone in NIM terms. (i.e. It has its own local paging and /usr.)

Simon Green
Altria ITSC Europe s.a.r.l.

AIX-L Archive at
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N.B. Unsolicited email from vendors will not be appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Page, Jennifer [mailto:Jennifer.Page@RBCDAIN.COM]
Sent: 27 May 2003 21:44
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: NIM install of SP node

Has anyone ever re-installed an SP node from a NIM master, other than the

*Not typical, but want to do some testing on a test server. Our nodes will
be going away. To make a long story short I do not want to have to upgrade
the CWS to 5.1 before upgrading the node. This means I want to reinstall
the node as a stand alone unit.

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