Re: Acledit is lost after a reboot

Date: Fri May 23 2003 - 10:55:09 EDT

from the 'access control list' guide on aix documentation (see

"Although the chmod command in numeric mode (with octal notations) can set base permissions and attributes, the chmod subroutine, which the command calls, disables extended permissions. If you use the numeric mode of the chmod command on a file that has an ACL, extended permissions are disabled. The symbolic mode of the chmod command does not disable extended permissions. For information on numeric and symbolic mode, refer to the chmod command."

i think someone or a process running in your box is applying a chmod in your files... maybe the oracle or aix initialization scripts.



Marlon Borba
Divisao de Suporte Tecnico
TRF 3a. Regiao
(11) 3311-4683 e 9692-8357 -
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>>> pobrien@DOIT.NV.GOV 22/05/03 19:51 >>>
I made an acledit entry on my /etc/inittab. I did this to allow the oracle user profile to read the inittab file. However, after a reboot this acledit entry is gone. Any ideas on why?


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