Re: AIX 5.1 / 64-bit Kernel / No JFS2

From: James Jackson (James.Jackson@MAIL.STATE.AR.US)
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 10:14:16 EST

The 64-bit kernel is installed by default, but it isn't linked to /unix
by default. The purpose of the advanced install option is to link /unix
to the 64-bit kernel, and to create rootvg with JFS2 filesystems. After
installing the O/S with the defaults (boot 32-bit kernel, create rootvg
with JFS filesystems), you can change to the 64-bit kernel by relinking
/unix and /usr/lib/boot/unix to the 64-bit kernel
(/usr/lib/boot/unix_64) and running
"bosboot -ad <boot_device(s)>".


James Jackson

-----Original Message-----
From: glh@DAIRYNET.COM [mailto:glh@DAIRYNET.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 8:33 AM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: AIX 5.1 / 64-bit Kernel / No JFS2

Is there a way to install AIX 5.1 (from the install CD's) with the
kernel and the regular JFS (not JFS2)? There is an advanced install
options for the 64-bit kernel and JFS2 (combined together as one
I want the 64-bit kernel but no JFS2. Can anyone help me out with this?

Gary Heilman
Dairyland Power Cooperative

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