Netscape 7 for AIX 4.3.3.

From: Matthew Wyneken (wyneken@PHYSIK.UNI-FREIBURG.DE)
Date: Thu Feb 13 2003 - 05:48:25 EST

Has anybody installed Netscape Version 7 available at ? I downloaded it
yesterday along with rpm.rte and the two prerequisite RPMS. The machine
fulfils the software requirements:

# oslevel -r
# rpm -qa

The program starts, it converted my version 4.8 profile and placed it in
.mozilla. The program starts but not a single connection works, neither
http or my imap e-mail connection. A window always pops up saying that
the connection is refused. I checked the log files on my own Web server
but there is no connection recorded there so it looks like the problem
is not that it's being refused but that Netscape isn't able to establish
the connection in the first place.

Any ideas?

Matthew Wyneken

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