Setting up Parallel Printers from (win9x) clients to AIX

From: Ron Bramblett (bramblet@FULLER.COM)
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 10:12:57 EST

I have a RS6000 F40-7025 running AIX 4.3.3

My question concerns connecting the clients machines with printers so I
can print directly out of AIX.

How do you set up the connections. We used to have path-works (old
stuff) and set up a print queue from AIX. Then we would print to it that

How would I go about setting up without path-works. Is there another
terminal emulator that works well? Is samba recommended?? Is samba on
the CD's or the AIX server??

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ron Bramblett
Sys Admin
Fuller Brush Company

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