IP problem

From: Mark Lamport (lamport@kcmetro.cc.mo.us)
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 10:07:29 EST

A remote user application could not reach one of our servers this morning.
I tried running a traceroute to that location and it failed but I noticed
the MTU was 32768 which is too large for regular 10/100 ethernet. I checked
the interface settings and it showed a MTU of 1500. I tried recycling the
interface, then flushing the routing table which did not solve the problem.
I then changed the gateway address to another router, that fixed it(for
now). Anyone have a clue what could be happening? I have 6 other servers
on the same network and have not had this problem.


Mark Lamport
Sr PeopleSoft DB Administrator
Metropolitan Community Colleges

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