Re: mail and aix/unix servers

From: Aaron Morris (aaronmorris@MINDSPRING.COM)
Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 16:47:10 EST

There are two ways you can do this. You can register a machine as the
mail exchanger for a domain or you should be able to send mail directly
to a user@hostname as long as you have a SMTP server setup correctly and
the machine is on the internet with port 25 open on any firewall you have.

justin.bleistein@SUNGARD.COM wrote:
> I have found out how to use the Unix mail program in AIX to send messages
> to my work email and cell phone and such:
> mail -s "subject" 8888888 < file_name_with_message
> Now my question is knowing that is there anyway or any other Unix mail
> program which can accept email from another mail server other then another
> Unix server. My AIX system can receive mail from another AIX server and it
> can send messages but it can't receieve messages from like my cell phone or
> work account for instance. It would be great to be able to reset users
> passwords, or create users by typing in the command on your cell phone then
> sending it to the AIX system then having a daemon listen to one of the
> mailboxes in "/var" and then perform the command I send from my cell phone.
> Any ideas on how to get Unix to receieve these type of messages? Thanks!.
> --Justin

Aaron W Morris

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