Re: mksysb error message documentation

From: Green, Simon (SGreen@KRAFTEUROPE.COM)
Date: Mon Nov 25 2002 - 04:32:53 EST

The mksysb errors are all 0512-xxx, (I think). Of course, it's always
possible you'll run into other errors on the way. A bad tape device might
give you a device error rather than a mksysb error, for example.

It's worth picking up the common errors, and you could do worse than look
at the Messages Guide and Reference. This will have the common problems
and what to do about them. However, an authoritative list is not easy
because apart from errors which might be produced by routines called from
mksysb, there is always the possibility of error messages changing due to

My checking scripts look for 0512-038 and 0512-003: any mksysb which doesn't

produce one of those has a problem. I then trust that the person called is
smart enough to figure it out. So far, I've found that most of the messages

are fairly clear; they nearly always relate to tape errors, or lack of space

if backing up to disk.

Simon Green
Philip Morris ITSC Europe

AIX-L Archive at

N.B. Unsolicited email from vendors will seldom be appreciated.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 22 November 2002 14:14
> To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
> Subject: mksysb error message documentation
> All,
> Iam documenting some information regarding
> mksysb on the
> company's homepage, so that it would be helpful for the
> on-call person to
> troubleshoot issues with mksysb. It would be helpful if you
> could let me
> know what would be the error messages when mksysb fails (eg:
> due to a bad
> tape, bad tape drive etc...). I run the mksysb on the
> standalones and on the
> sp nodes and it is run through cron.

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