Re: Restricted shell

From: Tim Brumfield (tbrumfield@MMRS.STATE.MS.US)
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 16:00:53 EST

We put the userid / password in a dataset that is restricted. The dataset is
referenced in the JCL, but with the correct restrictions no one can browse the
dataset to see the password. We ftp data to unix server, execute a load script
to load data to DB2, execute an audit script, ftp the outfile from the audit
script back to mvs, use a natural pgm to compare audits - if they match get an
RC:0000, if not gets an abend.

brian welsh wrote:

> Hello,
> For some reasons a job started from OS/390 is making a telnet-connection and
> starting a script on one of our R6K's. The output of the script is saved in
> a file. The file is with ftp send to OS/390. All in one job on OS/390. The
> user who set up the telnet-connection is saving the passwd as plain text in
> the job. Not very secure, so I'm thinking of giving that user a restricted
> shell, or change the passwd file so the user is not getting a shell, but can
> only execute the script, or...
> Now, I'm wondering how other users set this up, is using a restricted shell
> a good solution, or someone has a good tip.
> Thanx,
> Brian.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Direct chatten met je vrienden met MSN Messenger

Tim Brumfield
Database Administrator
State of Mississippi
Dept. of Finance & Administration,
Mississippi Management and Reporting System

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