Re: Copying printer queues

From: Basim Chafik (basimc@INVERA.COM)
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 08:20:06 EST

Migrating Print Queues to Another System

       1. copy the /etc/qconfig (make a copy of the original before)

        2. Copy the following files:

        3. change the permissions on the copied files to 664
              chmod 664 filename

        4. redigest the queue's
               enq -d

        5. run the chvirprt command on each queue
               chvirprt -q <queue name> -d <device name>

  Note: If you have a lot of queues, the best thing is to create a short
script to do this for you. I grab the queue name and device name by running
lsallq -c and saving it to a file.

        6. cycle the printer subsystem
               stopsrc -cg spooler
               startsrc -g spooler

Basim Chafik

Senior Technology Consultant
IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert - RS/6000 AIX
Invera Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: pSeries AIX Geek [mailto:aixgeek@YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 5:04 PM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Copying printer queues

I have something like 700 printer queues to move from
one system to another. I know that other than
/etc/qconfig, there's a whole directory structure
under /var that I can tar up and move (but I can't
remember it).

What is that directory structure? Or am I off my

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