Quorum after replacing bad disk

From: Mark Lamport (lamport@KCMETRO.CC.MO.US)
Date: Wed Nov 06 2002 - 07:26:58 EST

I had a mirrorred internal disk for a non rootvg volume group go bad
yesterday. I unmirrored/reducedvg/remdev and then installed new disk and
Everything went fine but when I mirrored I got a message about
varyoffvg/varyonvg which I could not do because we were still running those
file systems and I could not unmount. This morning I unmounted and
performed a syncvg varyoffvg varyonvg and everything worked but I noticed
quorum is set at 1 when I believe it should be at 2. How do I set the
quorum back to 2?


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