(no subject)

From: Mandeville, Janet A (Jane.Mandeville@VANDERBILT.EDU)
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 10:24:01 EDT

(Apologies if this is a repeat - I'm not sure that it got to the list
when I first sent it.)
I'm wondering whether anyone has encountered the following situation
running sysback & has any idea what's going on.
The specific command is mkvgback. Two successive backups had to be
stopped because the log filled up with the message
/usr/sbin/mkvgback[1185]: 0403-007 Generated or received a file
descriptor number
 that is not valid.
The same filesystem was not being backed up each time; first time it was
the /usr filesystem, second time it was a filesystem containing Oracle
IBM stated that the message indicated a problem with permissions or
ownership of the filesystem. The backup was running under the root user
so that doesn't make sense to me.
I'm new to AIX support & not sure where to go with this; any help would
be appreciated.
Aix 4.3.3; Sysback
Jane Mandeville
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Blank Bkgrd.gif

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