Re: Locked rootvg

From: Bill Verzal (BVerzal@KOMATSUNA.COM)
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 09:46:03 EDT

chvg -u rootvg

If the speed of light is 299792458 m / s, what is the speed of dark?

Bill Verzal
AIX Administrator, Komatsu America
(847) 970-3726 - direct
(847) 970-4184 - fax

             Ignacio Vidal
             M.AR> To
             Sent by: IBM AIX aix-l@Princeton.EDU
             Discussion List cc
             EDU> Subject
                                       Locked rootvg

             05/24/2004 10:30

             Please respond to
                  IBM AIX
              Discussion List

After I've observed that rootvg is in "locked" status, y tryed the

# varyonvg -b rootvg
0516-008 varyonvg: LVM system call returned an unknown
        error code (3).
# echo $?
# lsvg rootvg
0516-010 : Volume group must be varied on; use varyonvg command.

How can I recover from this failure?
Thanks in advance


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