Re: Multiple NIC's

From: Ignacio Vidal (ividal@BIYCSA.COM.AR)
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 16:15:19 EDT

That's OK.
I was asked about multiple nic's within the same (sub)network address range.
That server is not under my administration, and I don't know exactly why it is required to put more than one nic on the same subnet.
I think that if hacmp is going to be used, then there's no problem: hacmp manages network adapters (active/standby).
If they are going to use etherchannel perhaps it could be solved in other way (multiple nic's - same IP).
Sorry, I don't know "the why"...

In the other hand, thanks a lot for your answers !


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Raj Atwal [mailto:atwalrs@YAHOO.COM]
Enviado el: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 4:25 PM
Para: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Asunto: Re: Multiple NIC's

Inbound packets are recieved by the specific adapters but the outbound packets are sent on the first adapter within that subnet listed in the routing table. So when you run netstat -i you will see one of your adapters has way more outgoing packets than your other adapters within the same subnet. Nothing difficult about it, as mentioned beforehand it does depend on what you are trying to achieve.

Raj Atwal

Debby Ar <debby_ar@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
There is no problem configuring multiple nics with
addresses in the same subnet. The issue is that it
often does not accomplish what you really want. The
primary reason is that when a tcp packet is being sent
outbound, all adapters on the same subnet are treated
as equivalent, so the packet could be sent on any of
them. (Most people trying to do this want the
outbound message to go on a particular adapter, but
there is usually no way to guarantee this when they
are on the same subnet.)

So the real answer depends on why you need to
configure multiple adapters in the first place.

>I know this topic has been asked some time ago... but
>I cannot find that post.
>Can anyone remember why it's difficult to configure
>in one AIX server multiple nic's with addresses in
>the same subnet?

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