Re: Variable resolution in shell scripts

From: Steve Thornhill (steve_thornhill@UK.IBM.COM)
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 10:34:36 EDT

var_1="first var"
var_2="second var"
var_3="third var"
read user_input
# user enters "2"
case $user_input in
    $var="invalid var";;
echo "User selected the ${var}iation"
# expected result is: "User selected the second variation"

Steve Thornhill - IBM CLS
Int - 255104
Ext - 023 92 565104
Mob - 07778 289770
Email/Sametime -

                      Robert Bardos
                      <Robert. To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
                      Bardos@ZUGERKB. cc:
                      CH> Subject: Variable resolution in shell scripts
                      Sent by: IBM AIX
                      Discussion List

                      11/07/2002 16:00
                      Please respond to
                      IBM AIX
                      Discussion List

An easy one for most of you,

given a piece of code like this:

var_1="first var"
var_2="second var"
var_3="third var"
read user_input
# user enters "2"
echo "User selected the ????iation"
# expected result is: "User selected the second variation"

Is there some kind of recursive variable resolution, ie. like
$var_$user_input, that would resolve into the expected result and if yes,
how would I have to code this?

What book would you recommend for a beginner who wants to write some "more
than trivial" shell scripts? (Or should I leave it at that and learn Pearl


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