Re: chroot

From: Alberto Cozer (acozer@FTI.COM.BR)
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 12:41:54 EDT


Alberto Cozer
Security Consultant, Future Technologies Digital Security
IBM Certified AIX System Specialist

Sent by: IBM AIX Discussion List <aix-l@Princeton.EDU>
08/07/2002 13:22
Please respond to IBM AIX Discussion List

        To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
        Subject: chroot

      Could someone be as so kind as to send me an example of the "chroot"
command syntax and how it should be used. I want to set it up so when
log in to the system and are put in there "/home/user" directory I want
there home directory to be the top of the directory tree as far as they're
concerned. I don't want them to be able to get to "/" (root). Please let
know if chroot is the command I should use and the syntax. I don't want
users to be able to "cd" to root while they're logged in as themselves
.They only need access to everything under there home directories thanks!.

--Justin Richard Bleistein

Future Technologies Seguranca Digital

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