Re: sendmail alias error

From: Barry Finkel (b19141@ACHILLES.CTD.ANL.GOV)
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 11:43:49 EDT

>Just as a side note on this, you can set the option in the /etc/aliases file
>to automatically recompile the /etc/aliases file if it is out of date.
>Automation is wonderful especially if you have a forgetful mind like me...
>>From /etc/ ( AIX 4.3.3 )
># automatically rebuild the alias database?
>O AutoRebuildAliases

Note that in sendmail 8.12.0 this AutoRebuildAliases feature
has been removed as a security hole. From the RELEASE_NOTES file:

     8.12.0/8.12.0 2001/09/08
          Remove AutoRebuildAliases option, deprecated since 8.10.

     8.10.0/8.10.0 2000/03/01
          SECURITY: There is a potential for a denial of service attack
                if the AutoRebuildAliases option is set as a user can
                kill the sendmail process while it is rebuilding the
                aliases file (leaving it in an inconsistent state).
                This option and its use is deprecated and will be
                removed from a future version of sendmail.

Barry S. Finkel
Electronics and Computing Technologies Division
Argonne National Laboratory Phone: +1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
Building 222, Room D209 Internet:
Argonne, IL 60439-4828 IBMMAIL: I1004994

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